About Me
Hi, I’m Tom – a long-term vegan who is getting into cooking (and eating) tasty, healthy vegan food that’s easy to make.
Join me on my journey to making and baking a variety of home-made plant-based culinary delights!
Going Veggo in the Awesome 80’s
It’s fair to say that 1982 was a big year for me. I left home at 17.
later that year I turned 18, and decided to go on a vegetarian diet.
I decided to go vegetarian (then later vegan in 1983) because I didn’t want to support unnecessary animal death and cruelty.
Living in Australia in 1982 you could easily buy leg-warmers to go with your ‘Jane Fonda’s Workout’ exercise video. But there was no tofu or refrigerated soy-milk in the supermarkets. Let alone all the other convenience foods around today, such as vegan pies, meat-free mince, veggie nuggets, bacon, schnitzels, and soy ice-cream.
My diet regularly alternated between the likes of Sanitarium’s Nutmeat and Vegelinks (small vegetarian frankfurters now superseded by veggie hot dogs). I believe my early ‘80s record of 13 Vegelinks eaten consecutively in bread with tomato sauce still stands!
Later in my plant-based journey I was introduced to the delights of tofu, tempeh and chickpeas, but I (and my 4 kids) still consume meat alternatives. They are easy to prepare, tasty, and an excellent source of key nutrients such as protein, calcium, zinc, vitamin B12 and iron.
How about you? Have you gone vegan or vegetarian, or are you interested in finding out what it takes?
Whether you’re ready to make a big change, or you’re only able to make small steps towards a plant-based diet, it’s important to start taking positive action — today!
I’m here to help you get started.

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